Friday, October 7, 2011

Kate and Leopold

Arggggg! I have this crazy, insane need to watch Kate & Leopold, and I can't get it!!!!! Youtube took it down, the library doesn't open until 10, and we don't own it. Ever have one of those times where something insane is driving you nuts? It isn't even important. Important is getting the door handle fixed on the car, so I can pass state safety inspection, so I can register the car, so I can drive legally. Wanting to watch Kate and Leopold is no where on the radar of 'need to do'.... so why is it bugging me so bad?

Maybe it has to do with the fact that my husband has a friend flying into town, and the two of them are going to be hanging out. Maybe it is the fact that this is Friday, our traditional 'Date Night' and we haven't done a real date night in three weeks. Maybe I'm just feeling mushy? Maybe a bit of all three?

I don't know. But now that I've vented about it, I feel an ease in my head about it. Writing isn't my 'fortay' (see, I can't even spell it!), and journal keeping has NEVER been a strength of mine. But somehow, pounding letters into words works for me today. The keyboard, which started out with a beating, is now being casually typed to the process of my thoughts.

Hmmmmm, maybe writing isn't so bad.

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