Thursday, August 30, 2018

Making It Better

Imagine a piece of paper.  It is cut into puzzle pieces, and each one has experiences, choices, and thoughts that we have had/ done.  Some of them are good.  Some are not.  However, as we come to repent, and absorb the power of the Atonement, something wonderful happens:  those 'not so nice' puzzle pieces change.  They become Christ-like, and they do so because they are of Christ.  When the scriptures say 'we shall know Him because we shall be like Him', it is the literal truth. He shall be in us-- a part of us.  And we, through the power of the Atonement and by the grace of our Savior, shall have changed our past mistakes and sins, into a remarkable future that is filled with mercy, love, and endless possibilities.

"When we fully repent, including by confessing and forsaking our sins, we ask with Enos, as our guilt is swept away, 'Lord, how is it done?' and hear the answer, 'Because of thy faith in Christ' and His invitation to 'put me in remembrance'." -- Elder Gong, 2016

Full Conference talk here:

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