Heavenly Father loves us.
And he certainly didn't send us here to fail.
He placed us in certain times and in certain places that we may have the support we need.
Because those moments often mean making a choice.
"Ye cannot serve God and Mammon"
Agency means choosing. It means we get to choose which socks to wear (if any), we get to choose to eat healthy or not, whether or not to be happy and to be at peace with God. The whole spectrum of choice is ours-- that's agency.
Satan would have us believe that we are alone when we make our choices. He would have us believe that our choices only affect ourselves. He is hoping that we choose to serve ourselves-- live our lives as if we are the only ones involved-- and make roadblocks that isolate us from those who are ready to help. He would also have us believe that it is diminishing to ourselves to depend on, or work with others.
Satan's best tool is isolation-- because let's face it, life is too busy, too stressful, too crazy to do it all on our own-- but when we try to do it all, that's when stress builds up, depression sets in, and sin starts to look like an enticing 'escape'. And then he wins.
Nevertheless, Heavenly Father, the Savior, and the Holy Ghost are ready to strengthen, support, and encourage us-- always.
We are not meant to be alone. We are meant to reach out our hands, our hearts, and our minds-- work together with each other to bring us closer. By doing so, we build bridges-- bridges of hope, of compassion, and of healing. All these things are selfless. They serve God. Heavenly Father wants us to build.
The Plan of Agency itself means that we are not alone. It means we can work in a partnership with our Savior. The Plan of Agency itself is dependent upon a partnership. Our realization, and acceptance of that fact means the difference between success and failure of that Plan in our own lives.
Our Savior has shown us how to choose wisely-- how to depend on our Heavenly Father so that we can learn faster, grow stronger, and live again with Him. We can choose. We can choose to serve God-- to focus on building a partnership-- a 'bridge' if you will-- to eternal life.
"No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon." 3 Nephi 13:24
We have family and friends who love us, and are ready to help, if we are willing to work together.
He placed us in certain times, and in certain places, that we may reach out and receive the help we need.
He did not send us here to fail.
He did not send us here to be alone.
Our Father in Heaven loves all of us.